Monday, November 8, 2010

Commercials on a Monday night!

Hola! I’m back! I want to focus this blog on commercials. Commercials can really portray men and women in certain ways. TV is one medium that has EVERYTHING! Women and men are portrayed in soooo many different ways, and there are so many choices/ channels to choose from. From each channel, advertising plays a huge role in the commercials. For instance, I have been watching ESPN with my boyfriend all day and the commercials target the male audience. For instance, there have been razor commercials and beer commercials out the wazoo! I wanted to watch Monday Night Football with my boyfriend and blog about the commercials….however, I have been watching ESPN all day and there has not been very many commercials with women in them period. So that’s not going to work! But, I am still going to do the commercial thing. Throughout the game with my boyfriend we are going to be flipping through channels to find commercials. The past ten minutes that I have been writing this, we haven’t found a commercial with a women in it. How surprising is that!?!?!? The one time I want to watch commercials, they are not on. My goal is to write about 5 commercials that would be seen on specific channels on a Monday night. I will tell you what channel I got it from and a little bit about the commercial and/or series of commercials from that company. Let the Monday night commercial search begin!

The first commercial I want to talk about is probably a commercial that everyone has seen before and I am currently watching it on ABC. Does the word Flo ring a bell? Yes! I am talking about the Progressive Insurance commercials. Every single Flo commercial is so funny. Flo is a brown-headed lady that is very pretty and she is dressed in an all white Progressive uniform. She works at a Progressive warehouse where people can come “buy” insurance. All the commercials are hilarious because of how humorous Flo is. Here is a link to a commercial with Flo that I think y’all will like.

I like the way that Progressive portrays women in the media. Flo is well dressed, and has a sense of humor. She may be a little ditsy, but it only adds to her character. Progressive chose to advertise their company with an hilarious girl in a modest and fun way. And hey! Everyone know Flo, so I think Progressive accomplished their goal of spreading the word about Progressive Insurance Company!

The second commercial I want to talk about is regarding a company that has very controversial commercials. If you watched the Super Bowl this year, you know what company I am talking about….Go Daddy! Danica Patrick is an Indie car racer and has become very well known. She has become the Go Daddy! spokes person in all of their commercials. In each commercial, Danica and/or another girl is portrayed in a sexual way. Watch this.

Now that you have watched that you know what I mean. In this particular commercial the masseuse was the one that started behaving in a sexual nature but she was copying Danica from other commercials. I think the Go Daddy! commercials are unnecessary. They really show women as being sexual objects. Why does this company feel it’s necessary to have a sexual vibe for all of their commercials? Well, from my past blogs, you should know it is plainly advertising and the phrase again “sex sells.” I hate the message that Go Daddy! sends off, but being honest, I would have probably never even known about Go Daddy! if it wasn’t for these specific commercials. So once again, advertising has paid off.

As my last commercial, I am going to look at beer commercials. Most beer commercials use women in them somehow or some way. This specific commercial came from watching ESPN. It is a Miller Lite commercial about the difference of light beers. What happens in the commercial I am not concerned about, but what I will mention is the girl behind the bar. We all know that all bartenders are not gorgeous and big-boobed. Really! But in this commercial, and there are a few different Miller Lite commercials trying to get the same point across, they are. These girls are tall, skinny, gorgeous, and big-boobed. I mean really…do we have to make the bartenders come of as slutty? I am sure that some people may obtain this stereotype, but not all of them do. Here is one can you watch!

Miller Lite has a great reputation in the beer world and this series of commercials have given them a lot of recognition…or at least for me they have. I think these commercials are really funny, but they need to be careful about how they portray the bartenders.

These three commercials give a small insight to how women are portrayed in the media through commercials. I know from just three commercials, it does not prove or disprove anything, but it shows us that not all commercials show women in a negative light. I really like the three commercials I talked about though. One was too sexual and showed women very negatively, one was semi-sexual that could show women in a positive or negative light, and the last showed women as being funny and having good personalities in a positive light. I gave y’all a little taste of everything!

Well I hope y'all enjoyed me ranting and raving about a couple of commercials! Commercials can really be fun and I hope that  y'all enjoy watching them as much as I do!

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